PCOS and Red Meat

The change in eating habits has had another rather profound effect on my body. I've successfully ovulated!! 

Sorry to those who will probably find the thought of me on a period gross and unnecessary, I feel it's very appropriate to shout from the roof tops that stopping eating red meat has made me fertile lol. 

I was diagnosed when I was 19 with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and the information and "advice" I was given was printed from the Internet. That advice was to "go away and lose weight". That was it. And that's always been it until this month. I was offered no gynaecological or endocrinological help for the fact I had completely stopped having periods, no dermatological help for the excessive jet black, thick hair growing everywhere because of the complete lack of oestrogen. Just "go away and lose weight". 

Well I've lost weight. I've then it back on. I've lost it again. And put it back on. Sense a theme? The only times I've managed to lose the weight was doing Atkins - meat meat meat. More meat. High fat dairy. Did it bring back my periods?? Nope. 

So next week will be a month since I cut out red meat. I'm still eating fish a couple of times a week and I've had chicken twice. No red meat whatsoever. And hardly any dairy at all. I've been using soya milk and coconut cheese. And guess what??

Today I had my first period of 2017 :) :) 

Another win on the body front from non red meat eating ways :) just in time too because I've got plans.... ;-)

Speak soon. 



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