A Rather Expensive Start!! I think... Maybe

Good afternoon everyone.

Today I decided to de-meat the fridge freezer and load it up for the next few days with veggie meals. I palmed off my sausage casserole, my meat feast pizzas and my beef bolognese to my mum, cringing at the thought of where the sausages came from. I then skipped merrily away to the shops to start the new veggie me.

Well, My goodness. I'll make it clear now that I intend to continue to eat fish - so does this actually make me a pescatarian?? Probably but oh well, I've set the social media up now and I'm much too busy/lazy to start that all again.

Anywho back to the point I was about to make - my goodness. Being a pesca-veggie is darn expensive!!! And I shopped at Aldi!! I'll do you a wee shopping list to accompany my very well balanced photo shoot of the groceries,

Ricotta and basil filled raviolli
Very berry granola
Chopped tomatoes
Fishermans pie
2 x spicy tomato and peppercorn sauces
Papya and orange chutney
Natural yoghurt
200g smoked salmon
Soya milk
Paleo bars
Quorn mince
Tomato puree
Mexican bean burgers
Chargrilled veg pizza
Sweet potatoes
5 x pea snacks
Mushrooms (evil)
Tomato soup
Salmon wellington

Guess how much?? £50!!!!! I don't know what to think really because my "normal" shop is just a lot less than that. Normally around £30. It's all the extra veg I have bought I suppose. I don't normally pie sweet potatoes or pea snacks for the extra protein.

But maybe now I have laid it all out and thinking about what I've bought, that might be two weeks worth of food there.... I intend to make a veggie bolognese to serve with the raviolli, and a potato, chickpea, cauliflower curry to serve with the popodoms and chutney, and with the sweet potatoes I intend to add some goats cheese and spinach to some ready rolled pastry I have in the fridge.

What do you guys think??? Is it a very expensive shop???

Let me know below. First recipe comes tomorrow! I'm thinking bolognese.

See you then.


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